Do you have connections with local groups that would enjoy and benefit from seeing The Possibilities are Endless? Then why not host a screening? It's a wonderful opportunity to bring your residents, members, staff and wider community together. The screening could be a free or ticketed event, or you could use it as a fundraiser; many groups have found that organising a film screening is a cost effective means of raising money for their charity and we'd encourage you to invite a wide range of people to attend the event, whether you are a self-funding charity or a university or a film club.
*The pack comes with everything you need to know about the film, the aphasia campaign aims, a 'how to draw birds guide' with samples of Edwyn's own bird drawings.
Inspired by the film?
Feeling artistic?
We can help connect you with local artist facilitators or/and with further partners to help share the cost of the resources needed for the arts workshop. We can also connect you to your nearest RSPB site where there'll be birds aplenty!
Creating artwork is a great way to be active & physical, it's fun and stimulating and research shows the benefits of creating art are:
- a form of expression and communication
- art can enhance the skill of self observation
- art making is uplifting and confidence building
- stress & anxiety reducing and relaxing